

end game (命定结局)

歌手;泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)

I wanna be your end game


I wanna be your first string

我想要常伴你的身边 共同面对风险难关

I wanna be your A-Team

我想要与你生死相依 永远不分离

I wanna be your end game, end game

我想要成为你的命定结局 想要与你一起

Big reputation, big reputation

名声大噪 扬名立万

Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations

你我二人 闻名四海

Aah, and you heard about me

没错 你应该听说过我

Ooh, I got some big enemies (yeah)


Big reputation, big reputation

毕竟名气太大 众人皆知

Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation


Aah, and I heard about you (yah)


Ooh, you like the bad ones, too


You so dope, don't overdose

你魅力如毒品 我得克制点别上瘾

I'm so stoked, I need a toast

我现在精神振奋 快来和我干一杯

We do the most, I'm in the ghost like I'm whippin' a boat

我们功成名就 我坐在劳斯莱斯里 像是躺在游艇里

I got a reputation, girl, that don't precede me (yah)

小妞 我的名气不在第一位置

I'm a call away whenever you need me (yeah)

只要你需要我 我随时为你待命

I'm in a G5 (yeah), come to the A-Side (yeah)

我坐在名牌车里 走向全场焦点 那位迷人的女孩

I got a bad boy persona, that's what they like (what they like)

我扮演着坏男孩的角色 这可是众望所归

You love it, I love it, too, 'cause you my type (you my type)

你与我喜好相同 因为你就是我的理想型

You hold me down and I protect you with my life

你抓紧我的手 我会保护你 用余生做赌注

I don't wanna touch you, I don't wanna be

我不想和你纠缠 不愿成为

Just another ex-love you don't wanna see


I don't wanna miss you (I don't wanna miss you)


Like the other girls do


I don't wanna hurt you, I just wanna be


Drinking on a beach with you all over me

只愿与你在沙滩饮美酒 缠绵悱恻不肯罢休

I know what they all say (I know what they all say)


But I ain't tryna play


I wanna be your end game


I wanna be your first string

我想要常伴你的身边 共同面对风险难关

I wanna be your A-Team

我想要与你生死相依 永远不分离

I wanna be your end game, end game

我想要成为你的命定结局 想要与你一起

Now well, when I was young, we connected


When we were little bit older, both sprung

现在成熟一些 就产生隔阂

I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders


Reputation precedes me and rumors are knee-deep

名气在我前方 谣言将我埋葬

The truth is, it's easier to ignore it, believe me

相信我 其实忽略这些能活得更好

Even when we'd argue, we'd not do it for long

即使我们争吵 也会很快和解

And you understand the good and bad end up in a song


For all your beautiful traits and the way you do it with ease


For all my flaws, paranoia and insecurities

与我的所有缺点 偏执与不安全感

I've made mistakes and made some choices, that's hard to deny

我犯下了错 做了选择 这些都很难否认

After the storm, something was born on the 4th of July

在这场风暴过后 七月四日这一天有某些事新生

I've passed days without fun, this end game is the one

我熬过了无趣的日子 终场游戏是其中之一

With four words on the tip of my tongue, I'll never say it

有四个字眼卡在喉间 我永远不会开口

I don't wanna touch you, I don't wanna be

我不想和你纠缠 不愿成为

Just another ex-love you don't wanna see


I don't wanna miss you like the other girls do


I don't wanna hurt you, I just wanna be


Drinking on a beach with you all over me

只愿与你在沙滩饮美酒 缠绵悱恻不肯罢休

I know what they all say, yeah, but I ain't tryna play

他们的流言蜚语我记在心里 但这次我就是不愿再重蹈覆辙而已

I wanna be your end game


I wanna be your first string

我想要常伴你的身边 共同面对风险难关

I wanna be your A-Team

我想要与你生死相依 永远不分离

I wanna be your end game, end game

我想要成为你的命定结局 想要与你一起

Big reputation, big reputation

名声大噪 扬名立万

Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations

你我二人 闻名四海

Ah, and you heard about me

没错 你应该听说过我

Ooh, I got some big enemies


Hey, big reputation, big reputation

毕竟名气太大 众人皆知

Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation


Ah, and I heard about you


Ooh, you like the bad ones, too


I hit you like bang


We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't

我们试图遗忘过去 但都无能为力

And I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put 'em

我埋下实锤线索 但我记录下它们埋在哪里

Reputation precedes me, they told you I'm crazy

名气在我前方 人们都说我疯狂

I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me

我发誓对这场闹剧毫无兴趣 但就是被卷入其中

And I can't let you go, your hand prints on my soul

我无法放弃你 我的灵魂上留下了你的印记

It's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold

你的双眸如酒 令人沉溺 你的胴体如金身锻造 无人能比

You've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks


So here's a truth from my red lips

所以容我来朱唇微启 吐露真相

I wanna be your end game


I wanna be your first string (Me and you)

我想要常伴你的身边 共同面对风险难关

I wanna be your A-Team (Be your A-Team)

我想要与你生死相依 永远不分离

I wanna be your end game, end game

我想要成为你的命定结局 想要与你一起

I wanna be your end game


I wanna be your first string

我想要常伴你的身边 共同面对风险难关

I wanna be your A-Team

我想要与你生死相依 永远不分离

I wanna be your end game, end game

我想要成为你的命定结局 想要与你一起


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